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D R C ' S D I R E C T O R Y O F C O M P U T E R C O M P A N I E S
N O V E M B E R , 1 9 9 1
This is a continuously updated directory that now contains current names,
addresses, phone numbers, and principal officers for over 25O US publicly
held companies in the computer industry. This is a shareware product
updated and distributed monthly by Demand Research Corporation.
The information contained herein is obtained from sources believed to
be reliable, but Demand Research is not responsible for any errors or
omissions. All rights are reserved.
€€ €€
€€ Demand Research Corporation is pleased to make the information in €€
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€€ €€
€€ €€
€€ a directory of ALL of the approximately 5,OOO domestic corporations €€
€€ and financial institutions currently trading on the New York Stock €€
€€ Exchange, the American Stock Exchange, and the NASDAQ National Market €€
€€ System. The Executive Desk Register features: €€
€€ €€
€€ ** Full company name €€
€€ ** Street address €€
€€ ** City, state, & zip code €€
€€ ** Telephone number €€
€€ ** Fax number where available €€
€€ ** Ticker symbol €€
€€ ** Exchange affiliation €€
€€ ** Chief Executive Officer €€
€€ ** Chief Financial Officer €€
€€ ** Industry classification €€
€€ €€
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D R C ' S D I R E C T O R Y O F C O M P U T E R C O M P A N I E S
N O V E M B E R , 1 9 9 1
3CI Inc. 2057 Vermont Dr.
Ft. Collins, CO 80525 303-223-2722 CCCI NASDAQ
CEO: Mr. Ronald S. Tucker CFO: Mr. Ronald S. Tucker
Industry: Computers - software
3COM Corp. 3165 Kifer Rd.
Santa Clara, CA 95052 408-562-6400 COMS NASDAQ
CEO: Mr. Eric Benhamou CFO: Mr. Christopher Paisley
Industry: Computers - peripheral equipment
AICorp, Inc. 138 Technology Dr.
Waltham, MA 02154 617-891-6500 AICP NASDAQ
CEO: Mr. Robert N. Goldman CFO: Ms. Phyllis S. Swersky
Industry: Computers - software
ASK Computer Systems, Inc. 2440 W. El Camino Real
Mountain View, CA 94039 415-969-4442 ASKI NASDAQ
CEO: Ms. Sandra Kurtzig CFO: Mr. Leslie E. Wright
Industry: Computers - software
AST Research, Inc. 16215 Alton Parkway
Irvine, CA 92713 714-727-4141 ASTA NASDAQ
CEO: Mr. Safi U. Qureshey CFO: Mr. Bruce C. Edwards
Industry: Computers - peripheral equipment
Acxiom Corp. 301 Industrial Blvd.
Conway, AR 72032 501-450-1424 ACXM NASDAQ
CEO: Mr. Charles D. Morgan, Jr. CFO: Mr. Rodger S. Kline
Industry: Computers - services
Adaptec, Inc. 691 S. Milpitas Blvd.
Milpitas, CA 95035 408-945-8600 ADPT NASDAQ
CEO: Mr. John G. Adler CFO: Mr. Paul G. Hansen
Industry: Computers - peripheral equipment
Adobe Systems Inc. 1585 Charleston Rd.
Mountain View, CA 94039 415-961-4400 ADBE NASDAQ
CEO: Mr. John E. Warnock CFO: Mr. M. Bruce Nakao
Industry: Computers - software
Advanced Computer Techniques Corp. 417 Fifth Ave.
New York, NY 10016 212-696-3600 ACTP NASDAQ
CEO: Mr. Oscar H. Schachter CFO: Mr. Anthony F. Grisanti
Industry: Computers - software
Advanced Logic Research, Inc. 9401 Jeronimo
Irvine, CA 92718 714-581-6770 AALR NASDAQ
CEO: Mr. Gene Lu CFO: Mr. James T. Richardson
Industry: Computers - mini & micro
Aldus Corp. 411 First Ave. South
Seattle, WA 98104 206-622-5500 ALDC NASDAQ
CEO: Mr. Paul Brainerd CFO: Mr. William H. McAleer
Industry: Computers - software
Alloy Computer Products, Inc. 165 Forest St.
Marlborough, MA 01752 508-481-8500 ALOY NASDAQ
CEO: Mr. Richard G. Meise CFO: Mr. Paul D. Harrison
Industry: Computers - peripheral equipment
Alpha Microsystems 3501 W. Sunflower Ave.
Santa Ana, CA 92704 714-957-8500 ALMI NASDAQ
CEO: Mr. Clarke E. Reynolds CFO: Mr. John S. Cain
Industry: Computers - mini & micro
Alpharel, Inc. 3601 Calle Tecate
Camarillo, CA 93010 805-482-9815 AREL NASDAQ
CEO: Mr. Roger H. Erickson CFO: Mr. John W. Low
Industry: Computers - software
Altai, Inc. 624 Six Flags Dr., Ste. 150
Arlington, TX 76011 817-640-8911 ALTI NASDAQ
CEO: Mr. James P. Williams CFO: Mr. Gary E. Leslie
Industry: Computers - software
Amdahl Corp. 1250 E. Arques Ave.
Sunnyvale, CA 94088 408-746-6000 AMH AMEX
CEO: Mr. John C. Lewis CFO: Mr. Edward F. Thompson
Industry: Computers - mainframe
American Management Systems, Inc. 1777 N. Kent St.
Arlington, VA 22209 703-841-6000 AMSY NASDAQ
CEO: Mr. Charles O. Rossotti CFO: Mr. Frank A. Nicolai
Industry: Computers - services
American Software, Inc. 470 E. Paces Ferry Rd.
Atlanta, GA 30305 404-261-4381 AMSWA NASDAQ
CEO: Mr. James C. Edenfield CFO: Mr. Michael E. Kohlsdorf
Industry: Computers - software
Amtech Corp. 4514 Cole Ave., Ste. 1100
Dallas, TX 75205 214-520-6900 AMTC NASDAQ
CEO: Mr. Michael R. Carboy CFO: Mr. Kenneth W. Anderson
Industry: Computers - services
Anacomp, Inc. 11550 N. Meridian St.
Indianapolis, IN 46240 317-844-9666 AAC NYSE
CEO: Mr. Louis P. Ferrero CFO: Mr. Neil M. Bardach
Industry: Computers - services
Analogic Corp. 8 Centennial Dr.
Peabody, MA 01960 508-977-3000 ALOG NASDAQ
CEO: Mr. Bernard M. Gordon CFO: Mr. John A. Tarello
Industry: Computers - peripheral equipment
Analysts International Corp. 7615 Metro Blvd.
Minneapolis, MN 55439 612-835-2330 ANLY NASDAQ
CEO: Mr. Frederick W. Lang CFO: Mr. Gerald M. McGrath
Industry: Computers - services
Apertus Technologies, Inc. 7075 Flying Cloud Dr.
Eden Prairie, MN 55344 612-828-0300 APTS NASDAQ
CEO: Mr. Robert D. Gordon CFO: Mr. Charles F. Karpinske
Industry: Computers - peripheral equipment
Apple Computer, Inc. 20525 Mariani Ave.
Cupertino, CA 95014 408-996-1010 AAPL NASDAQ
CEO: Mr. John Sculley CFO: Mr. Joseph A. Graziano
Industry: Computers - mini & micro
Applied Magnetics Corp. 75 Robin Hill Rd.
Goleta, CA 93117 805-683-5353 APM NYSE
CEO: Mr. William R. Anderson CFO: Mr. James G. Evans, Jr.
Industry: Computers - peripheral equipment
Archive Corp. 1650 Sunflower Ave.
Costa Mesa, CA 92626 714-641-0279 ACHV NASDAQ
CEO: Mr. D. Howard Lewis CFO: Mr. B. J. Rone
Industry: Computers - peripheral equipment
Artisoft, Inc. 575 E. River Rd.
Tucson, AZ 85704 602-293-6363 ASFT NASDAQ
CEO: Mr. C. John Schoof II CFO: Mr. William D. Baker
Industry: Computers - software
Aspen Imaging International, Inc. 555 Aspen Ridge Dr.
Lafayette, CO 80026 303-666-5750 ARIB NASDAQ
CEO: Mr. Peter C. Williams CFO: Ms. Florine N. Nath
Industry: Computers - peripheral equipment
Atari Corp. 1196 Borregas Ave.
Sunnyvale, CA 94086 408-745-2000 ATC AMEX
CEO: Mr. Sam Tramiel CFO: Mr. Gregory A. Pratt
Industry: Computers - mini & micro
Auto-trol Technology Corp. 12500 N. Washington St.
Denver, CO 80233 303-452-4919 ATTC NASDAQ
CEO: Mr. Howard H. Hillman CFO: Mr. David Brents
Industry: Computers - graphics
Autodesk, Inc. 2320 Marinship Way
Sausalito, CA 94965 415-332-2344 ACAD NASDAQ
CEO: Mr. Alvar J. Green CFO: Ms. Carolyn Aver
Industry: Computers - software
Automatic Data Processing, Inc. One ADP Blvd.
Roseland, NJ 07068 201-994-5000 AUD NYSE
CEO: Mr. Josh S. Weston CFO: Mr. Arthur F. Weinbach
Industry: Computers - services
BGS Systems, Inc. 128 Technology Center
Waltham, MA 02254 617-891-0000 BGSS NASDAQ
CEO: Dr. Harold S. Schwenk, Jr. CFO: Dr. Jeffrey P. Buzen
Industry: Computers - software
BMC Software, Inc. One Sugar Creek Center Blvd.
Sugar Land, TX 77478 713-240-8800 BMCS NASDAQ
CEO: Mr. Max P. Watson Jr. CFO: Mr. David A. Farley
Industry: Computers - software
Babbage's Inc. 10741 King William Dr.
Dallas, TX 75220 214-401-9000 BBGS NASDAQ
CEO: Mr. James B. McCurry CFO: Ms. Opal P. Ferraro
Industry: Computers - retail & wholesale
Base Ten Systems, Inc. Number One Electronics Dr.
Trenton, NJ 08619 609-586-7010 BASEA NASDAQ
CEO: Mr. Myles M. Kranzler CFO: Mr. Edward J. Klinsport
Industry: Computers - mini & micro
Boole & Babbage, Inc. 510 Oakmead Parkway
Sunnyvale, CA 94086 408-735-9550 BOOL NASDAQ
CEO: Mr. Paul Newton CFO: Mr. Paul R. Robichaux
Industry: Computers - software
Borland International, Inc. 1800 Green Hills Rd.
Scotts Valley, CA 95066 408-438-8400 BORL NASDAQ
CEO: Mr. Philippe R. Kahn CFO: Mr. Alan S. Henricks
Industry: Computers - software
Brandon Systems Corp. 1 Harmon Plaza
Secaucus, NJ 07094 201-392-0800 BRDN NASDAQ
CEO: Mr. Ira B. Brown CFO: Mr. Peter Lordi
Industry: Computers - services
Businessland, Inc. 1001 Ridder Park Dr.
San Jose, CA 95131 408-437-0400 BLI NYSE
CEO: Mr. David A. Norman CFO: Mr. Leo Korman
Industry: Computers - retail & wholesale
Bytex Corp. 120 Turnpike Rd.
Southborough, MA 01772 508-480-0840 BYTX NASDAQ
CEO: Mr. Arthur Carr CFO: Ms. Cynthia M. Deysher
Industry: Computers - peripheral equipment
CMS Enhancements, Inc. 1372 Valencia Ave.
Tustin, CA 92680 714-259-9555 CME NYSE
CEO: Mr. Jim Farooquee CFO: Mr. Frederick L. Judd
Industry: Computers - peripheral equipment
COMNET Corp. 6404 Ivy Lane, Ste. 500
Greenbelt, MD 20770 301-220-5400 CNET NASDAQ
CEO: Mr. Robert S. Bowen CFO: Mr. Charles A. Crew
Industry: Computers - software
CSP Inc. 40 Linnell Circle
Billerica, MA 01821 617-272-6020 CSPI NASDAQ
CEO: Mr. Samuel Ochlis CFO: Mr. Gary W. Levine
Industry: Computers - peripheral equipment
CYBERTEK Corp. 7800 N. Stemmons Freeway
Dallas, TX 75247 214-637-1540 CKCP NASDAQ
CEO: Mr. Vaughn W. Morgan CFO: Mr. David R. Bankhead
Industry: Computers - software
Cabletron Systems, Inc. 10 Main St.
Rochester, NH 03867 603-332-9400 CS NYSE
CEO: Mr. Craig R. Benson CFO: Mr. Mark F. Lapham
Industry: Computers - peripheral equipment
Cadence Design Systems, Inc. 555 River Oaks Parkway
San Jose, CA 95134 408-943-1234 CDN NYSE
CEO: Mr. Joseph B. Costello CFO: Mr. Leonard J. LeBlanc
Industry: Computers - software
Caere Corp. 100 Cooper Court
Los Gatos, CA 95030 408-395-7000 CAER NASDAQ
CEO: Mr. Robert G. Teresi CFO: Ms. Blanche M. Sutter
Industry: Computers - software
Cerner Corp. 2800 Rockcreek Parkway
Kansas City, MO 64117 816-221-1024 CERN NASDAQ
CEO: Mr. Neal L. Patterson CFO: Mr. Clifford W. Illig
Industry: Computers - software
Cheyenne Software, Inc. 55 Bryant Ave.
Roslyn, NY 11576 516-484-5110 CYE AMEX
CEO: Mr. Eli Oxenhorn CFO: Mr. Elliot Levine
Industry: Computers - software
Cimflex Teknowledge Corp. 160 Industry Dr.
Pittsburgh, PA 15275 412-787-3000 CMTK NASDAQ
CEO: Mr. Daniel R. Robusto CFO: Mr. Daniel R. Robusto
Industry: Computers - software
Ciprico Inc. 2955 Xenium Lane
Plymouth, MN 55441 612-559-2034 CPCI NASDAQ
CEO: Mr. Robert H. Kill CFO: Mr. Robert H. Kill
Industry: Computers - peripheral equipment
Cognex Corp. 15 Crawford St.
Needham, MA 02194 617-449-6030 CGNX NASDAQ
CEO: Dr. Robert J. Shillman CFO: Mr. Neil R. Bonke
Industry: Computers - software
Cognitronics Corp. 25 Crescent St.
Stamford, CT 06906 203-327-5307 CGN AMEX
CEO: Mr. Matthew J. Flanigan CFO: Mr. Garrett Sullivan
Industry: Computers - peripheral equipment
Comdisco, Inc. 6111 N. River Rd.
Rosemont, IL 60018 708-698-3000 CDO NYSE
CEO: Mr. Kenneth N. Pontikes CFO: Mr. John J. Vosicky
Industry: Computers - services
Commodore International Ltd. 1200 Wilson Dr.
West Chester, PA 19380 215-431-9100 CBU NYSE
CEO: Mr. Irving Gould CFO: Mr. Ronald B. Alexander
Industry: Computers - mini & micro
Compaq Computer Corp. 20555 SH 249
Houston, TX 77070 713-370-0670 CPQ NYSE
CEO: Mr. Eckhard Pfeiffer CFO: Mr. Daryl J. White
Industry: Computers - mini & micro
Comptek Research, Inc. 110 Broadway
Buffalo, NY 14203 716-842-2700 CTK AMEX
CEO: Mr. John R. Cummings CFO: Mr. Kenneth E. Lanham
Industry: Computers - software
CompuCom Systems, Inc. 9333 Forest Lane
Dallas, TX 75243 214-783-1252 BYTE NASDAQ
CEO: Mr. Avery More CFO: Mr. Robert J. Boutin
Industry: Computers - retail & wholesale
CompuTrac, Inc. 222 Municipal Dr.
Richardson, TX 75080 214-234-4241 LLB AMEX
CEO: Mr. Harry W. Margolis CFO: Mr. Steven M. Crane
Industry: Computers - software
Computer Associates International, Inc. 711 Stewart Ave.
Garden City, NY 11530 516-227-3300 CA NYSE
CEO: Mr. Charles B. Wang CFO: Mr. Peter A. Schwartz
Industry: Computers - software
Computer Data Systems, Inc. One Curie Court
Rockville, MD 20850 301-921-7000 CPTD NASDAQ
CEO: Mr. Gordon S. Glenn CFO: Mr. Wyatt D. Tinsley
Industry: Computers - services
Computer Factory Inc. 399 Executive Blvd.
Elmsford, NY 10523 914-347-5000 CFA NYSE
CEO: Mr. Jay Gottlieb CFO: Mr. Philip Duva
Industry: Computers - retail & wholesale
Computer Horizons Corp. 747 Third Ave.
New York, NY 10017 212-371-9600 CHRZ NASDAQ
CEO: Mr. John J. Cassese CFO: Mr. Bernhard Hubert
Industry: Computers - services
Computer Identics Corp. 5 Shawmut Rd.
Canton, MA 02021 617-821-0830 CIDN NASDAQ
CEO: Mr. Frank J. Wezniak CFO: Mr. Stephen D. Prendergast
Industry: Computers - peripheral equipment
Computer Language Research, Inc. 2395 Midway Rd.
Carrollton, TX 75006 214-250-7000 CLRI NASDAQ
CEO: Mr. Stephen T. Winn CFO: Mr. M. Brian Healy
Industry: Computers - services
Computer Sciences Corp. 2100 E. Grand Ave.
El Segundo, CA 90245 213-615-0311 CSC NYSE
CEO: Mr. William R. Hoover CFO: Mr. Leon J. Level
Industry: Computers - services
Computer Task Group, Inc. 800 Delaware Ave.
Buffalo, NY 14209 716-882-8000 TSK NYSE
CEO: Mr. David N. Campbell CFO: Mr. Samuel D. Horgan
Industry: Computers - services
Computone Corp. 259 Radnor-Chester Rd.
Radnor, PA 19087 215-964-0652 CTON NASDAQ
CEO: Mr. Thomas P. Tanis, Sr. CFO: Mr. Ronald W. Johnston
Industry: Computers - peripheral equipment
Comshare, Inc. 3001 S. State St.
Ann Arbor, MI 48108 313-994-4800 CSRE NASDAQ
CEO: Mr. Richard L. Crandall CFO: Mr. T. Wallace Wrathall
Industry: Computers - software
Concurrent Computer Corp. 106 Apple St.
Tinton Falls, NJ 07724 908-758-7000 CCUR NASDAQ
CEO: Mr. Denis R. Brown CFO: Mr. James P. McCloskey
Industry: Computers - mini & micro
Conner Peripherals, Inc. 3081 Zanker Rd.
San Jose, CA 95134 408-433-3340 CNR NYSE
CEO: Mr. Finis F. Conner CFO: Mr. Albert A. Pimentel
Industry: Computers - peripheral equipment
Consilium, Inc. 640 Clyde Court
Mountain View, CA 94043 415-691-6100 CSIM NASDAQ
CEO: Mr. Thomas Tomasetti CFO: Mr. Mark S. Finkel
Industry: Computers - software
Continental Information Systems Corp. One CIS Parkway
Syracuse, NY 13221 315-437-1900 CNY NYSE
CEO: Mr. James P. Hassett CFO: Mr. Thomas J. Prinzing
Industry: Computers - services
Continuum Co., Inc. 9500 Arboretum Blvd.
Austin, TX 78759 512-345-5700 CNU NYSE
CEO: Mr. W. Michael Long CFO: Mr. John L. Westermann III
Industry: Computers - services
Control Data Corp. 8100 34th Ave. South
Minneapolis, MN 55440 612-853-8100 CDA NYSE
CEO: Mr. Lawrence Perlman CFO: Mr. John R. Eickhoff
Industry: Computers - mainframe
Convergent Solutions, Inc. 100 Metro Park South
Laurence Harbor, NJ 08878 908-290-0090 CSOL NASDAQ
CEO: Mr. Ralph Reda CFO: Mr. Vincent Galano
Industry: Computers - software
Convex Computer Corp. 3000 Waterview Parkway
Richardson, TX 75080 214-497-4000 CNX NYSE
CEO: Mr. Robert J. Paluck CFO: Mr. William G. Bock
Industry: Computers - mini & micro
Corporate Software Inc. 275 Dan Rd.
Canton, MA 02021 617-821-4500 CSOF NASDAQ
CEO: Mr. Morton H. Rosenthal CFO: Mr. Donald F. Boudreau
Industry: Computers - software
Cray Computer Corp. 1110 Bayfield Dr.
Colorado Springs, CO 80906 719-579-6464 CRAY NASDAQ
CEO: Mr. Neil Davenport CFO: Mr. Gregory T. Barnum
Industry: Computers - mainframe
Cray Research, Inc. 655-A Lone Oak Dr.
Eagan, MN 55121 612-683-7100 CYR NYSE
CEO: Mr. John A. Rollwagen CFO: Mr. John F. Carlson
Industry: Computers - mainframe
CyCare Systems, Inc. 4343 E. Camelback Rd.
Phoenix, AZ 85018 602-952-5300 CYS NYSE
CEO: Mr. Jim H. Houtz CFO: Mr. Mark R. Schonau
Industry: Computers - services
DATAPHAZ, Inc. 15002 N. 25th Dr., Ste. 1
Phoenix, AZ 85023 602-351-2800 DPHZ NASDAQ
CEO: Mr. Edward E. Faber CFO: Mr. Thomas M. Proud
Industry: Computers - retail & wholesale
DH Technology, Inc. 15070 Avenue of Science
San Diego, CA 92128 619-451-3485 DHTK NASDAQ
CEO: Mr. William H. Gibbs CFO: Mr. M. Dean Gilliam
Industry: Computers - peripheral equipment
Data General Corp. 4400 Computer Dr.
Westboro, MA 01580 508-366-8911 DGN NYSE
CEO: Mr. Ronald L. Skates CFO: Mr. Michael B. Evans
Industry: Computers - mini & micro
Data Translation, Inc. 100 Locke Dr.
Marlborough, MA 01752 508-481-3700 DATX NASDAQ
CEO: Mr. Alfred A. Molinari, Jr. CFO: Mr. Robert P. Cirrone
Industry: Computers - graphics
Dataflex Corp. 3920 Park Ave.
Edison, NJ 08820 908-321-1100 DFLX NASDAQ
CEO: Mr. Richard C. Rose CFO: Mr. Gordon J. McLenithan
Industry: Computers - mini & micro
Datapoint Corp. 9725 Datapoint Dr.
San Antonio, TX 78229 512-699-7000 DPT NYSE
CEO: Mr. Michael M. Michigami CFO: Mr. Kenneth R. Kamp
Industry: Computers - mini & micro
Dataram Corp. PO Box 7528
Princeton, NJ 08543 609-799-0071 DTM AMEX
CEO: Mr. Robert V. Tarantino CFO: Mr. Frank Kardashian
Industry: Computers - peripheral equipment
Datasouth Computer Corp. 4216 Stuart Andrew Blvd.
Charlotte, NC 28217 704-523-8500 DSCC NASDAQ
CEO: Mr. James W. Busby CFO: Mr. Gordon W. Friedrich
Industry: Computers - peripheral equipment
Dell Computer Corp. 9505 Arboretum Blvd.
Austin, TX 78759 512-338-4400 DELL NASDAQ
CEO: Mr. Michael S. Dell CFO: Mr. Donald D. Collis
Industry: Computers - mini & micro
Delphi Information Systems, Inc. 31416 Agoura Rd.
Westlake Village, CA 91361 818-706-8989 DLPH NASDAQ
CEO: Mr. Richard R. Janssen CFO: Mr. Terance A. Kinninger
Industry: Computers - software
Digi International, Inc. 6751 Oxford St.
St. Louis Park, MN 55426 612-922-5016 DGII NASDAQ
CEO: Mr. John P. Schinas CFO: Mr. Gerald A. Wall
Industry: Computers - peripheral equipment
Digital Communications Associates, Inc. 1000 Alderman Dr.
Alpharetta, GA 30202 404-442-4000 DCA NYSE
CEO: Mr. Charles G. Betty CFO: Mr. Craig J. Huffaker
Industry: Computers - software
Digital Equipment Corp. 146 Main St.
Maynard, MA 01754 508-493-5111 DEC NYSE
CEO: Mr. Kenneth H. Olsen CFO: Mr. Kenneth H. Olsen
Industry: Computers - mini & micro
Distributed Logic Corp. 1555 S. Sinclair St.
Anaheim, CA 92806 714-937-5700 DLOG NASDAQ
CEO: Mr. Glenn C. Salley CFO: Mr. Thomas R. Anderson
Industry: Computers - peripheral equipment
Dotronix, Inc. 160 First St. S.E.
New Brighton, MN 55112 612-633-1742 DOTX NASDAQ
CEO: Mr. William S. Sadler CFO: Mr. Warren M. White
Industry: Computers - peripheral equipment
Drexler Technology Corp. 2557 Charleston Rd.
Mountain View, CA 94043 415-969-7277 DRXR NASDAQ
CEO: Mr. Jerome Drexler CFO: Mr. Steven G. Larson
Industry: Computers - peripheral equipment
ELXSI Corp. 2334 Lundy Place
San Jose, CA 95131 408-942-0900 ELXS NASDAQ
CEO: Mr. James K. Dutton CFO: Mr. James K. Dutton
Industry: Computers - mini & micro
EMC Corp. 171 South St.
Hopkinton, MA 01748 508-435-1000 EMC NYSE
CEO: Mr. Richard J. Egan CFO: Mr. W. Paul Fitzgerald
Industry: Computers - peripheral equipment
Easel Corp. 25 Corporate Dr.
Burlington, MA 01803 617-221-2100 EASL NASDAQ
CEO: Mr. R. Douglas Kahn CFO: Mr. John P. McDonough
Industry: Computers - software
Egghead, Inc. 22011 S.E. 51st St.
Issaquah, WA 98027 206-391-0800 EGGS NASDAQ
CEO: Mr. Matthew J. Griffin CFO: Ms. Carolyn J. Tobias
Industry: Computers - retail & wholesale
Electronic Arts, Inc. 1820 Gateway Dr.
San Mateo, CA 94404 415-571-7171 ERTS NASDAQ
CEO: Mr. Lawrence F. Probst CFO: Mr. E. Stanton McKee, Jr.
Industry: Computers - software
Electronic Associates, Inc. 185 Monmouth Parkway
West Long Branch, NJ 07764 908-229-1100 EA NYSE
CEO: Mr. Robert G. Finney CFO: Mr. Louis J. Tedeschi
Industry: Computers - mini & micro
Emulex Corp. 3545 Harbor Blvd.
Costa Mesa, CA 92626 714-662-5600 EMLX NASDAQ
CEO: Mr. Robert N. Stephens CFO: Mr. Marshall A. Petersen
Industry: Computers - peripheral equipment
Encore Computer Corp. 257 Cedar Hill St.
Marlborough, MA 01752 508-460-0500 ENCC NASDAQ
CEO: Mr. Kenneth G. Fisher CFO: Mr. T. Mark Morley
Industry: Computers - peripheral equipment
Evans & Sutherland Computer Corp. 600 Komas Dr.
Salt Lake City, UT 84108 801-582-5847 ESCC NASDAQ
CEO: Mr. Rodney S. Rougelot CFO: Mr. J. Robert Driggs
Industry: Computers - graphics
Everex Systems, Inc. 48431 Milmont Dr.
Fremont, CA 94538 415-498-1111 EVRX NASDAQ
CEO: Mr. Steve L. W. Hui CFO: Mr. Michael McCloskey
Industry: Computers - peripheral equipment
Exabyte Corp. 1685 38th St.
Boulder, CO 80301 303-442-4333 EXBT NASDAQ
CEO: Mr. Peter D. Behrendt CFO: Mr. William L. Marriner
Industry: Computers - peripheral equipment
FDP Corp. 2140 S. Dixie Highway
Miami, FL 33133 305-858-8200 FDPC NASDAQ
CEO: Mr. Michael C. Goldberg CFO: Mr. David A. Spiller
Industry: Computers - software
FIserv, Inc. 2152 S. 114th St.
West Allis, WI 53227 414-546-5000 FISV NASDAQ
CEO: Mr. George D. Dalton CFO: Mr. Kenneth R. Jensen
Industry: Computers - services
FileNet Corp. 3565 Harbor Blvd.
Costa Mesa, CA 92626 714-966-3400 FILE NASDAQ
CEO: Mr. Theodore J. Smith CFO: Mr. Mark S. St. Clare
Industry: Computers - services
First Financial Management Corp. 3 Corporate Square, Ste. 700
Atlanta, GA 30329 404-321-0120 FFM NYSE
CEO: Mr. Patrick H. Thomas CFO: Mr. E. D. M. Schachner
Industry: Computers - services
Waynesboro, VA 22980 703-949-1000 GECM NASDAQ
CEO: Mr. Paul T. Winn CFO: Mr. Frederick C. Young
Industry: Computers - peripheral equipment
General Automation, Inc. 1055 S. East St.
Anaheim, CA 92805 714-778-4800 GA AMEX
CEO: Mr. Paul Thompson CFO: Mr. Donald W.S. Rutherford
Industry: Computers - mini & micro
General Computer Corp. 2045 Midway Dr.
Twinsburg, OH 44087 216-425-3241 GCCC NASDAQ
CEO: Mr. Richard R. Pilarczyk CFO: Mr. David R. Stitt
Industry: Computers - services
General DataComm Industries, Inc. 1579 Straits Turnpike
Middlebury, CT 06762 203-574-1118 GDC NYSE
CEO: Mr. Charles P. Johnson CFO: Mr. William S. Lawrence
Industry: Computers - peripheral equipment
General Parametrics Corp. 1250 Ninth St.
Berkeley, CA 94710 415-524-3950 GPAR NASDAQ
CEO: Mr. Herbert B. Baskin CFO: Mr. William A. Spazante
Industry: Computers - graphics
Genisco Technology Corp. 1230 S. Lewis St.
Anaheim, CA 92805 714-563-4300 GES AMEX
CEO: Mr. Phillip C. Friedman CFO: Mr. Phillip C. Friedman
Industry: Computers - peripheral equipment
Geodynamics Corp. 21171 Western Ave., Ste. 110
Torrance, CA 90501 213-782-7277 GDYN NASDAQ
CEO: Mr. Robert L. Paulson CFO: Mr. David P. Nelson
Industry: Computers - software
Goal Systems International, Inc. 7965 N. High St.
Columbus, OH 43235 614-888-1775 GOAL NASDAQ
CEO: Mr. David C. Wetmore CFO: Mr. Thomas J. Kelley
Industry: Computers - software
Government Technology Services, Inc. 4100 Lafayette Center Dr.
Chantilly, VA 22021 703-631-3333 GTSI NASDAQ
CEO: Mr. R. M. Rickenbach CFO: Mr. George A. Barstis
Industry: Computers - services
Group 1 Software, Inc. 6404 Ivy Lane, Ste. 500
Greenbelt, MD 20770 301-982-2000 GSOF NASDAQ
CEO: Mr. Robert S. Bowen CFO: Mr. Martin T. Johnson
Industry: Computers - software
HBO & Co. 301 Perimeter Center North
Atlanta, GA 30346 404-393-6000 HBOC NASDAQ
CEO: Mr. Holcombe T. Green, Jr. CFO: Mr. Thomas H. Muller, Jr.
Industry: Computers - services
Hathaway Corp. 350 Interlocken Parkway
Broomfield, CO 80021 303-460-1500 HATH NASDAQ
CEO: Mr. Eugene E. Prince CFO: Mr. Richard D. Smith
Industry: Computers - software
Hewlett-Packard Co. 3000 Hanover St.
Palo Alto, CA 94304 415-857-1501 HWP NYSE
CEO: Mr. John A. Young CFO: Mr. Robert P. Wayman
Industry: Computers - mini & micro
Hogan Systems, Inc. 5080 Spectrum Dr., Ste. 400E
Dallas, TX 75248 214-386-0020 HOGN NASDAQ
CEO: Mr. Patric J. Jerge CFO: Mr. Richard C. Schwenk, Jr.
Industry: Computers - software
Howtek, Inc. 21 Park Ave.
Hudson, NH 03051 603-882-5200 HTK AMEX
CEO: Mr. Robert Howard CFO: Mr. David Bothwell
Industry: Computers - peripheral equipment
Hutchinson Technology Inc. 40 W. Highland Park
Hutchinson, MN 55350 612-587-3797 HTCH NASDAQ
CEO: Mr. Jeffrey W. Green CFO: Mr. John A. Ingleman
Industry: Computers - peripheral equipment
IKOS Systems, Inc. 145 N. Wolf Rd.
Sunnyvale, CA 94086 408-245-1900 IKOS NASDAQ
CEO: Mr. Gerald S. Casilli CFO: Mr. Joseph W. Rockom
Industry: Computers - peripheral equipment
IPL Systems, Inc. 60 Hickory Dr.
Waltham, MA 02154 617-890-6620 IPLSA NASDAQ
CEO: Mr. Robert W. Norton CFO: Mr. Eugene F. Tallone
Industry: Computers - peripheral equipment
InaCom, Inc. 10810 Farnam
Omaha, NE 68154 402-392-3900 INACD NASDAQ
CEO: Mr. Bill L. Fairfield CFO: Mr. David C. Guenthner
Industry: Computers - retail & wholesale
Infodata Systems Inc. 5 Tobey Village Office Park
Pittsford, NY 14534 716-381-7430 INFD NASDAQ
CEO: Mr. Harry Kaplowitz CFO: Mr. Harry Kaplowitz
Industry: Computers - software
Informix Corp. 4100 Bohannon Dr.
Menlo Park, CA 94025 415-926-6300 IFMX NASDAQ
CEO: Mr. Phillip E. White CFO: Mr. Howard H. Graham
Industry: Computers - software
Integrated Systems, Inc. 3260 Jay St.
Santa Clara, CA 95054 408-980-1500 INTS NASDAQ
CEO: Dr. Narendra K. Gupta, Ph.D. CFO: Mr. Scott C. McDonald
Industry: Computers - software
IntelliCorp, Inc. 1975 El Camino Real West
Mountain View, CA 94040 415-965-5500 INAI NASDAQ
CEO: Mr. Thomas P. Kehler CFO: Mr. Kenneth H. Haas
Industry: Computers - software
Intelligent Electronics, Inc. 411 Eagleview Blvd.
Exton, PA 19341 215-458-5500 INEL NASDAQ
CEO: Mr. Richard D. Sanford CFO: Mr. Mark R. Briggs
Industry: Computers - retail & wholesale
Intelligent Systems Master L.P. 4355 Shackleford Rd.
Norcross, GA 30093 404-381-2900 INP AMEX
CEO: Mr. J. Leland Strange CFO: Mr. John E. McCormick
Industry: Computers - peripheral equipment
Intelogic Trace, Inc. Turtle Creek Tower I
San Antonio, TX 78229 512-558-5700 IT NYSE
CEO: Mr. Clark R. Mandigo CFO: Mr. Richard E. Wilson
Industry: Computers - services
Interface Systems, Inc. 5855 Interface Dr.
Ann Arbor, MI 48103 313-769-5900 INTF NASDAQ
CEO: Mr. Carl L. Bixby CFO: Mr. David O. Schupp
Industry: Computers - peripheral equipment
Intergraph Corp.
Huntsville, AL 35894 205-730-2000 INGR NASDAQ
CEO: Mr. James W. Meadlock CFO: Mr. James H. Dorton
Industry: Computers - graphics
Interleaf, Inc. Ten Canal Park
Cambridge, MA 02141 617-577-9800 LEAF NASDAQ
CEO: Mr. David A. Boucher CFO: Mr. David J. Collard
Industry: Computers - software
Intermetrics, Inc. 733 Concord Ave.
Cambridge, MA 02138 617-661-1840 IMET NASDAQ
CEO: Mr. Joseph A. Saponaro CFO: Mr. Nicholas A. Pettinella
Industry: Computers - software
International Business Machines Corp.
Armonk, NY 10504 914-765-1900 IBM NYSE
CEO: Mr. John F. Akers CFO: Mr. Frank A. Metz, Jr.
Industry: Computers - mainframe
International Power Machines Corp. 200 Madison Ave., 2nd Fl.
New York, NY 10016 212-953-0100 PWR AMEX
CEO: Mr. Warren H. Haber CFO: Mr. Warren H. Haber
Industry: Computers - peripheral equipment
Interphase Corp. 13800 Senlac
Dallas, TX 75234 214-919-9000 INPH NASDAQ
CEO: Mr. Michael E. Cope CFO: Mr. Mark A. Floyd
Industry: Computers - peripheral equipment
Iomega Corp. 1821 W. 4000 South
Roy, UT 84067 801-778-1000 IOMG NASDAQ
CEO: Mr. Fred Wenninger CFO: Mr. Phillip P. Krumb
Industry: Computers - peripheral equipment
Iverson Technology Corp. 1356 Beverly Rd.
McLean, VA 22101 703-749-1200 IVT AMEX
CEO: Mr. Donald D. Iverson CFO: Mr. Walter S. Zurawski
Industry: Computers - services
Jack Henry & Associates, Inc. West Highway 60
Monett, MO 65708 417-235-6652 JKHY NASDAQ
CEO: Mr. Jerry D. Hall CFO: Mr. Terry W. Thompson
Industry: Computers - software
Keane, Inc. Ten City Square
Boston, MA 02129 617-241-9200 KEA AMEX
CEO: Mr. John F. Keane CFO: Mr. Wallace A. Cataldo
Industry: Computers - services
Key Tronic Corp. N. 4424 Sullivan Rd.
Spokane, WA 99216 509-928-8000 KTCC NASDAQ
CEO: Mr. Wendell J. Satre CFO: Mr. Steven P. Benner
Industry: Computers - peripheral equipment
KnowledgeWare, Inc. 3340 Peachtree Rd., N.E.
Atlanta, GA 30326 404-231-8575 KNOW NASDAQ
CEO: Mr. Francis A. Tarkenton CFO: Mr. Donald E. Ellis, Jr.
Industry: Computers - software
Komag, Inc. 275 S. Hillview Dr.
Milpitas, CA 95035 408-946-2300 KMAG NASDAQ
CEO: Mr. Stephen C. Johnson CFO: Mr. William L. Potts, Jr.
Industry: Computers - peripheral equipment
LDI Corp. 1375 E. Ninth St.
Cleveland, OH 44114 216-687-0100 LDIC NASDAQ
CEO: Mr. Robert S. Kendall CFO: Mr. Jerry E. Kish
Industry: Computers - services
LEGENT Corp. 8615 Westwood Center Drive
Vienna, VA 22182 703-734-9494 LGNT NASDAQ
CEO: Mr. Joe M. Henson CFO: Mr. Arthur F. Knapp, Jr.
Industry: Computers - software
Landmark Graphics Corp. 16001 Park Ten Place, Ste. 350
Houston, TX 77084 713-578-4200 LMRK NASDAQ
CEO: Mr. C. Eugene Ennis CFO: Mr. Hardie W. Morgan
Industry: Computers - software
LaserMaster Technologies, Inc. 9955 W. 69th St.
Eden Prairie, MN 55344 612-941-8687 LMTS NASDAQ
CEO: Mr. Melvin L. Master CFO: Mr. Timothy N. Thurn
Industry: Computers - software
Liuski International, Inc. 10 Hub Dr.
Melville, NY 11747 516-454-8220 LSKI NASDAQ
CEO: Mr. Morries Liu CFO: Mr. Edward J. Feinberg
Industry: Computers - peripheral equipment
Lotus Development Corp. 55 Cambridge Parkway
Cambridge, MA 02142 617-577-8500 LOTS NASDAQ
CEO: Mr. Jim P. Manzi CFO: Mr. Edwin Gillis
Industry: Computers - software
MAI Systems Corp. 14101 Myford Rd.
Tustin, CA 92680 714-731-5100 MBF NYSE
CEO: Mr. Bennett S. LeBow CFO: Mr. Michael L. Veuve
Industry: Computers - mini & micro
MECA Software, Inc. 327 Riverside Ave.
Westport, CT 06880 203-226-2400 MECA NASDAQ
CEO: Mr. Daniel Schley CFO: Mr. Paul Harrison
Industry: Computers - software
MIPS Computer Systems, Inc. 928 Arques Ave.
Sunnyvale, CA 94086 408-720-1700 MIPS NASDAQ
CEO: Mr. Robert C. Miller CFO: Mr. David G. Ludvigson
Industry: Computers - software
MPSI Systems Inc. 8282 S. Memorial Dr.
Tulsa, OK 74133 918-250-9611 MPSG NASDAQ
CEO: Mr. Ronald G. Harper CFO: Mr. Quentin L. Mantooth
Industry: Computers - software
MacNeal-Schwendler Corp. 815 Colorado Blvd.
Los Angeles, CA 90041 213-258-9111 MNS AMEX
CEO: Dr. Joseph F. Gloudeman CFO: Mr. Louis A. Greco
Industry: Computers - software
Manatron, Inc. 2970 S. 9th St.
Kalamazoo, MI 49009 616-375-5300 MANA NASDAQ
CEO: Mr. Allen F. Peat CFO: Mr. Paul R. Sylvester
Industry: Computers - software
Marcam Corp. 95 Wells Ave.
Newton, MA 02159 617-965-0220 MCAM NASDAQ
CEO: Mr. Paul Margolis CFO: Mr. David Cairns
Industry: Computers - software
Masstor Systems Corp. 5200 Great America Parkway
Santa Clara, CA 95052 408-988-1008 MSCO NASDAQ
CEO: Mr. David R. Addison CFO: Mr. Charles B. Griffis, Jr.
Industry: Computers - peripheral equipment
Maxtor Corp. 211 River Oaks Parkway
San Jose, CA 95134 408-432-1700 MXTR NASDAQ
CEO: Mr. Laurence R. Hootnick CFO: Mr. David M. Kowalski
Industry: Computers - peripheral equipment
Medicus Systems Corp. One Rotary Center, Ste. 400
Evanston, IL 60201 708-570-7500 MECS NASDAQ
CEO: Mr. Richard C. Jelinek CFO: Ms. Deborah R. Suckow
Industry: Computers - software
Megadata Corp. 35 Orville Dr.
Bohemia, NY 11716 516-589-6800 MDTA NASDAQ
CEO: Mr. Yitzhak N. Bachana CFO: Mr. Yitzhak N. Bachana
Industry: Computers - peripheral equipment
Mentor Graphics Corp. 8500 S.W. Creekside Place
Beaverton, OR 97005 503-626-7000 MENT NASDAQ
CEO: Mr. Thomas H. Bruggere CFO: Mr. Brian C. Henry
Industry: Computers - graphics
Merisel, Inc. 200 Continental Blvd.
El Segundo, CA 90245 213-615-3080 MSEL NASDAQ
CEO: Mr. Michael D. Pickett CFO: Mr. James L. Brill
Industry: Computers - peripheral equipment
Micro Healthsystems, Inc. 414 Eagle Rock Ave.
West Orange, NJ 07052 201-731-9252 MCHS NASDAQ
CEO: Mr. S. M. Caravetta CFO: Mr. Walter R. Cruickshank
Industry: Computers - software
MicroAge, Inc. 2308 S. 55th St.
Tempe, AZ 85282 602-968-3168 MICA NASDAQ
CEO: Mr. Jeffrey D. McKeever CFO: Mr. Terry D. Giles
Industry: Computers - retail & wholesale
MicroProse, Inc. 180 Lakefront Dr.
Hunt Valley, MD 21030 301-771-1151 MPRS NASDAQ
CEO: Mr. John W. Stealey, Sr. CFO: Mr. James W. Thomas
Industry: Computers - software
Micronics Computers, Inc. 232 E. Warren Ave.
Fremont, CA 94539 415-651-2300 MCRN NASDAQ
CEO: Mr. Frank W. Lin CFO: Mr. Steven R. Wade
Industry: Computers - peripheral equipment
Micropolis Corp. 21211 Nordhoff St.
Chatsworth, CA 91311 818-709-3300 MLIS NASDAQ
CEO: Mr. Stuart P. Mabon CFO: Mr. Dale J. Bartos
Industry: Computers - peripheral equipment
Microsoft Corp. One Microsoft Way
Redmond, WA 98052 206-882-8080 MSFT NASDAQ
CEO: Mr. William H. Gates III CFO: Mr. Francis J. Gaudette
Industry: Computers - software
Miltope Group Inc. 1770 Walt Whitman Rd.
Melville, NY 11747 516-420-0200 MILT NASDAQ
CEO: Mr. Michael Alexander CFO: Mr. Bruce M. Crowell
Industry: Computers - mini & micro
Moniterm Corp. 5740 Green Circle Dr.
Minnetonka, MN 55343 612-935-4151 MTRM NASDAQ
CEO: Mr. C. Paul Pesek CFO: Mr. Daniel L. Wittkopp
Industry: Computers - peripheral equipment
NBI, Inc. 3450 Mitchell Lane
Boulder, CO 80301 303-444-5710 NBI NYSE
CEO: Mr. Steven G. Jerritts CFO: Mr. Jesse A. Simmons
Industry: Computers - mini & micro
National Data Corp. National Data Plaza
Atlanta, GA 30329 404-728-2000 NDTA NASDAQ
CEO: Mr. O. G. Greene CFO: Mr. O. G. Greene
Industry: Computers - services
National Micronetics, Inc. 71 Smith Ave.
Kingston, NY 12401 914-338-0333 NMIC NASDAQ
CEO: Mr. James Robinson CFO: Mr. Robert C. Ristagno
Industry: Computers - peripheral equipment
Nestor, Inc. One Richmond Square
Providence, RI 02906 401-331-9640 NEST NASDAQ
CEO: Dr. David L. Fox CFO: Mr. Simon N. Heifetz
Industry: Computers - software
Network General Corp. 4200 Bohannon Dr.
Menlo Park, CA 94025 415-688-2700 NETG NASDAQ
CEO: Mr. Harry J. Saal CFO: Mr. Roger C. Ferguson
Industry: Computers - software
Network Systems Corp. 7600 Boone Ave. North
Minneapolis, MN 55428 612-424-4888 NSCO NASDAQ
CEO: Mr. Lyle D. Altman CFO: Mr. Richard A. Fisher
Industry: Computers - peripheral equipment
North Atlantic Industries, Inc. 60 Plant Ave.
Hauppauge, NY 11788 516-582-6500 NATL NASDAQ
CEO: Mr. Malcolm D. Widenor CFO: Mr. Richard A. Schneider
Industry: Computers - peripheral equipment
Novell, Inc. 122 E. 1700 South
Provo, UT 84606 801-429-7000 NOVL NASDAQ
CEO: Mr. Raymond J. Noorda CFO: Mr. James R. Tolonen
Industry: Computers - peripheral equipment
On-Line Software International, Inc. Two Executive Dr.
Ft. Lee, NJ 07024 201-592-0009 OSI NYSE
CEO: Mr. William G. Nelson CFO: Mr. Steven G. Levenson
Industry: Computers - software
Oracle Systems Corp. 20 Davis Dr.
Belmont, CA 94002 415-598-8000 ORCL NASDAQ
CEO: Mr. Lawrence J. Ellison CFO: Mr. Jeffrey L. Walker
Industry: Computers - software
Osicom Technologies, Inc. 198 Green Pond Rd.
Rockaway, NJ 07866 201-586-2550 OSIC NASDAQ
CEO: Mr. Parvinder S. Chadha CFO: Ms. Sharon Gill Chadha
Industry: Computers - mini & micro
PAR Technology Corp. 220 Seneca Turnpike
New Hartford, NY 13413 315-738-0600 PTC NYSE
CEO: Dr. John W. Sammon, Jr. CFO: Mr. A. Kenneth Patterson
Industry: Computers - peripheral equipment
PDA Engineering 2975 Redhill Ave.
Costa Mesa, CA 92626 714-540-8900 PDAS NASDAQ
CEO: Dr. Louis A. Delmonico, Ph.D. CFO: Mr. James W. Kerrigan
Industry: Computers - software
PLATINUM technology, inc. 555 WatersEdge Dr., Ste. 200
Lombard, IL 60148 708-620-5000 PLAT NASDAQ
CEO: Mr. Andrew J. Filipowski CFO: Mr. Michael P. Cullinane
Industry: Computers - software
Pansophic Systems, Inc. 2400 Cabot Dr.
Lisle, IL 60532 708-505-6000 PNS NYSE
CEO: Mr. David J. Eskra CFO: Mr. G. Gordon M. Large
Industry: Computers - software
Parametric Technology Corp. 128 Technology Dr.
Waltham, MA 02154 617-894-7111 PMTC NASDAQ
CEO: Mr. Steven Walske CFO: Mr. Samuel Geisberg
Industry: Computers - software
Penn Virginia Corp. 200 S. Broad St.
Philadelphia, PA 19102 215-545-6600 PVIR NASDAQ
CEO: Mr. John A. H. Shober CFO: Mr. A. James Dearlove
Industry: Computers - graphics
Policy Management Systems Corp. One PMS Center
Blythewood, SC 29016 803-735-4000 PMS NYSE
CEO: Mr. G. Larry Wilson CFO: Mr. Robert L. Gresham
Industry: Computers - software
Prime Computer, Inc. Prime Park
Natick, MA 01760 508-655-8000 PRM NYSE
CEO: Mr. Anthony L. Craig CFO: Mr. Richard B. Goldman
Industry: Computers - mini & micro
Printronix, Inc. 17500 Cartwright Rd.
Irvine, CA 92713 714-863-1900 PTNX NASDAQ
CEO: Mr. Robert A. Kleist CFO: Mr. George L. Harwood
Industry: Computers - peripheral equipment
Progress Software Corp. 5 Oak Park
Bedford, MA 01730 617-275-4500 PRGS NASDAQ
CEO: Mr. Joseph W. Alsop CFO: Ms. Joni M. Mace
Industry: Computers - software
Pyramid Technology Corp. 1295 Charleston Rd.
Mountain View, CA 94043 415-965-7200 PYRD NASDAQ
CEO: Mr. Richard H. Lussier CFO: Mr. Kent L. Robertson
Industry: Computers - mini & micro
QMS, Inc. One Magnum Pass
Mobile, AL 36618 205-633-4300 AQM NYSE
CEO: Mr. James L. Busby CFO: Mr. Charles D. Daley
Industry: Computers - peripheral equipment
Quantum Corp. 500 McCarthy Blvd.
Milpitas, CA 95035 408-894-4000 QNTM NASDAQ
CEO: Mr. Stephen M. Berkley CFO: Mr. Joseph T. Rodgers
Industry: Computers - peripheral equipment
Quarterdeck Office Systems, Inc. 1901 Main St.
Santa Monica, CA 90405 213-392-9851 QDEK NASDAQ
CEO: Ms. Therese E. Myers CFO: Mr. Ronald B. Hammond
Industry: Computers - software
Qume Corp. 500 Yosemite Dr.
Milpitas, CA 95035 408-952-4000 QUME NASDAQ
CEO: Mr. David S. Lee CFO: Mr. Stephen R. Bowling
Industry: Computers - peripheral equipment
Radius, Inc. 1710 Fortune Dr.
San Jose, CA 95131 408-434-1010 RDUS NASDAQ
CEO: Mr. Michael D. Boich CFO: Mr. Richard A. Heddleson
Industry: Computers - peripheral equipment
Rainbow Technologies, Inc. 9292 Jeronimo Rd.
Irvine, CA 92718 714-454-2100 RNBO NASDAQ
CEO: Mr. Walter W. Straub CFO: Mr. Walter W. Straub
Industry: Computers - peripheral equipment
RasterOps 2500 Walsh Ave.
Santa Clara, CA 95051 408-562-4200 ROPS NASDAQ
CEO: Mr. Kieth E. Sorenson CFO: Mr. Ken J. McEwan
Industry: Computers - graphics
Rexon Inc. 5800 Uplander Way
Culver City, CA 90230 213-641-7110 REXN NASDAQ
CEO: Mr. Michael O. Preletz CFO: Mr. Irvin R. Reuling
Industry: Computers - peripheral equipment
Robec, Inc. 425 Privet Rd.
Horsham, PA 19044 215-675-9300 ROBC NASDAQ
CEO: Mr. Robert H. Beckett CFO: Mr. Mark Dorfman
Industry: Computers - retail & wholesale
Ross Systems, Inc. 555 Twin Dolphin Dr.
Redwood City, CA 94065 415-593-2500 ROSS NASDAQ
CEO: Mr. Dennis V. Vohs CFO: Mr. Rick L. Smith
Industry: Computers - software
SCS/Compute, Inc. 12444 Powerscourt Dr.
St. Louis, MO 63131 314-966-1040 SCOM NASDAQ
CEO: Mr. Robert W. Nolan CFO: Mr. Charles G. Wilson
Industry: Computers - software
SEI Corp. 680 E. Swedesford Rd.
Wayne, PA 19087 215-254-1000 SEIC NASDAQ
CEO: Mr. Alfred P. West, Jr. CFO: Mr. Carmen V. Romeo
Industry: Computers - services
Sage Software, Inc. 3200 Tower Oaks Blvd.
Rockville, MD 20852 301-230-3200 SGSI NASDAQ
CEO: Mr. Kevin J. Burns CFO: Ms. Melody S. Ranelli
Industry: Computers - software
Scan-Optics, Inc. 22 Prestige Park Circle
East Hartford, CT 06108 203-289-6001 SOCR NASDAQ
CEO: Dr. Richard I. Tanaka, Ph.D. CFO: Mr. John H. Aucoin
Industry: Computers - peripheral equipment
Scientific Software-Intercomp, Inc. 1801 California St., Ste. 295
Denver, CO 80202 303-292-1111 SSFT NASDAQ
CEO: Dr. E. Allen Breitenbach CFO: Mr. Edward S. Wittman
Industry: Computers - software
Seagate Technology, Inc. 920 Disc Dr.
Scotts Valley, CA 95066 408-438-6550 SGAT NASDAQ
CEO: Mr. Alan F. Shugart CFO: Mr. Donald L. Waite
Industry: Computers - peripheral equipment
Selecterm, Inc. 153 Andover St.
Danvers, MA 01923 617-246-1300 SLTM NASDAQ
CEO: Mr. Phillip K. Ciolfi CFO: Mr. David C. Gravel
Industry: Computers - services
Sequent Computer Systems, Inc. 15450 S.W. Koll Parkway
Beaverton, OR 97006 503-626-5700 SQNT NASDAQ
CEO: Mr. Karl C. Powell, Jr. CFO: Mr. Robert S. Gregg
Industry: Computers - mainframe
Sequoia Systems, Inc. 400 Nickerson Rd.
Marlborough, MA 01752 508-480-0800 SEQS NASDAQ
CEO: Mr. Gabriel P. Fusco CFO: Mr. Kent R. Allen
Industry: Computers - mini & micro
ShareBase Corp. 14600 Winchester Blvd.
Los Gatos, CA 95030 408-378-7000 SHBS NASDAQ
CEO: Mr. John C. Cavalier CFO: Mr. Peter J. Cassidy
Industry: Computers - software
Shared Medical Systems Corp. 51 Valley Stream Parkway
Malvern, PA 19355 215-296-6300 SMED NASDAQ
CEO: Mr. R. James Macaleer CFO: Mr. Terrence W. Kyle
Industry: Computers - services
Sierra On-Line, Inc. 40033 Sierra Way
Oakhurst, CA 93644 209-683-4468 SIER NASDAQ
CEO: Mr. Kenneth A. Williams CFO: Mr. Bruce E. Grant
Industry: Computers - software
Sigma Designs, Inc. 46501 Landing Parkway
Fremont, CA 94538 415-770-0100 SIGM NASDAQ
CEO: Mr. Thinh Q. Tran CFO: Mr. Q. Binh Trinh
Industry: Computers - peripheral equipment
Silicon General, Inc. 85 W. Tasman Dr.
San Jose, CA 95134 408-943-9403 SILN NASDAQ
CEO: Mr. William D. Rasdal CFO: Mr. J. Scott Kamsler
Industry: Computers - graphics
Silicon Graphics, Inc. 2011 N. Shoreline Blvd.
Mountain View, CA 94039 415-960-1980 SGI NYSE
CEO: Mr. Edward R. McCracken CFO: Mr. Stanley J. Meresman
Industry: Computers - graphics
Silvar-Lisco 703 E. Evelyn Ave.
Sunnyvale, CA 94086 408-991-6000 SVRL NASDAQ
CEO: Mr. Anthony Wainwright CFO: Mr. William H. Feichtmann
Industry: Computers - software
SofTech, Inc. 460 Totten Pond Rd.
Waltham, MA 02154 617-890-6900 SOFT NASDAQ
CEO: Mr. Justus F. Lowe, Jr. CFO: Mr. Douglas R. Potter
Industry: Computers - software
Software Publishing Corp. 1901 Landings Dr.
Mountain View, CA 94043 415-962-8910 SPCO NASDAQ
CEO: Mr. Fred M. Gibbons CFO: Mr. Truman Cole
Industry: Computers - software
Software Services of America, Inc. 790 Turnpike St.
North Andover, MA 01845 508-681-0802 SSOA NASDAQ
CEO: Mr. Bertram R. Hickman, Jr. CFO: Mr. Ronald E. Kaplan
Industry: Computers - software
Software Spectrum, Inc. 2140 Merritt Dr.
Garland, TX 75041 214-840-6600 SSPE NASDAQ
CEO: Ms. Judy O. Sims CFO: Mr. Keith R. Coogan
Industry: Computers - software
Software Toolworks, Inc. 60 Leveroni Court
Novato, CA 94949 415-883-3000 TWRX NASDAQ
CEO: Mr. Leslie Crane CFO: Mr. Joseph Abrams
Industry: Computers - software
Spinnaker Software Corp. 201 Broadway
Cambridge, MA 02139 617-494-1200 SPKR NASDAQ
CEO: Mr. C. David Seuss CFO: Mr. E. Ronald Goldfuss
Industry: Computers - software
Star Technologies, Inc. 515 Shaw Rd.
Sterling, VA 22170 703-689-4400 STRR NASDAQ
CEO: Mr. Robert C. Compton CFO: Mr. Richard J. Gallagher
Industry: Computers - peripheral equipment
State of the Art, Inc. 56 Technology South
Irvine, CA 92718 714-753-1222 SOTA NASDAQ
CEO: Mr. David S. Samuels CFO: Mr. Joseph R. Armstrong
Industry: Computers - software
Sterling Software, Inc. 8080 N. Central Expressway
Dallas, TX 75206 214-891-8600 SSW NYSE
CEO: Mr. Sterling L. Williams CFO: Mr. George H. Ellis
Industry: Computers - software
Storage Technology Corp. 2270 S. 88th St.
Louisville, CO 80028 303-673-5151 STK NYSE
CEO: Mr. Ryal R. Poppa CFO: Mr. Gregory A. Tymn
Industry: Computers - peripheral equipment
Stratus Computer, Inc. 55 Fairbanks Blvd.
Marlborough, MA 01752 508-460-2000 SRA NYSE
CEO: Mr. William E. Foster CFO: Mr. Robert E. Donahue
Industry: Computers - mini & micro
Structural Dynamics Research Corp. 2000 Eastman Dr.
Milford, OH 45150 513-576-2400 SDRC NASDAQ
CEO: Mr. Ronald J. Friedsam CFO: Mr. Ronald H. Hoffman
Industry: Computers - software
Summagraphics Corp. 60 Silvermine Rd.
Seymour, CT 06483 203-881-5400 SUGR NASDAQ
CEO: Mr. William J. Lifka CFO: Mr. David G. Osowski
Industry: Computers - peripheral equipment
Sun Microsystems, Inc. 2550 Garcia Ave.
Mountain View, CA 94043 415-960-1300 SUNW NASDAQ
CEO: Mr. Scott G. McNealy CFO: Mr. Kevin C. Melia
Industry: Computers - peripheral equipment
SunGard Data Systems Inc. 1285 Drummers Lane
Wayne, PA 19087 215-341-8700 SNDT NASDAQ
CEO: Mr. James L. Mann CFO: Mr. David D. Gathman
Industry: Computers - services
Sunward Technologies, Inc. 5828 Pacific Center Blvd.
San Diego, CA 92121 619-587-9140 CCTC NASDAQ
CEO: Mr. Gregorio Reyes CFO: Mr. Ronald J. Scioscia
Industry: Computers - peripheral equipment
Sybase, Inc. 6475 Christie Ave.
Emeryville, CA 94608 510-596-3500 SYBS NASDAQ
CEO: Mr. Mark B. Hoffman CFO: Ms. Jeanne D. Wohlers
Industry: Computers - software
Symantec Corp. 10201 Torre Ave.
Cupertino, CA 95014 408-253-9600 SYMC NASDAQ
CEO: Mr. Gordon E. Eubanks, Jr. CFO: Mr. Robert R. B. Dykes
Industry: Computers - software
Symbolics, Inc. 8 New Executive Executive Park
Burlington, MA 01803 617-221-1000 SMBX NASDAQ
CEO: Mr. John S. Wurts CFO: Mr. Ronald R. Benanto
Industry: Computers - software
Symix Systems, Inc. 2800 Corporate Exchange Dr.
Columbus, OH 43231 614-523-7000 SYMX NASDAQ
CEO: Mr. Lawrence J. Fox CFO: Mr. William E. Tanner
Industry: Computers - software
SynOptics Communications, Inc. 501 E. Middlefield Rd.
Mountain View, CA 94043 415-960-1100 SNPX NASDAQ
CEO: Mr. Andrew K. Ludwick CFO: Mr. William H. Ruehle
Industry: Computers - peripheral equipment
Synercom Technology, Inc. 2500 City West Blvd.
Houston, TX 77042 713-954-7000 SYNR NASDAQ
CEO: Mr. Robert W. Forsyth CFO: Mr. Robert W. Forsyth
Industry: Computers - software
System Industries, Inc. 1855 Barber Lane
Milpitas, CA 95035 408-432-1212 SYI AMEX
CEO: Mr. Paul W. Emery II CFO: Mr. Andrew D. Wahl
Industry: Computers - peripheral equipment
System Software Associates, Inc. 500 W. Madison St.
Chicago, IL 60606 312-641-2900 SSAX NASDAQ
CEO: Mr. Larry J. Ford CFO: Mr. David L. Harbert
Industry: Computers - software
Systems & Computer Technology Corp. 4 Country View Rd.
Malvern, PA 19355 215-647-5930 SCTC NASDAQ
CEO: Mr. Michael J. Emmi CFO: Mr. Eric Haskell
Industry: Computers - services
Systems Center, Inc. 1800 Alexander Bell Dr.
Reston, VA 22091 703-264-8000 SMX NYSE
CEO: Mr. Robert E. Cook CFO: Mr. Theodore Kleinman
Industry: Computers - software
TEMPEST Technologies, Inc. 460 Herndon Parkway
Herndon, VA 22070 703-471-0157 TTOI NASDAQ
CEO: Mr. David C. Lucien CFO: Mr. Alan R. Stewart
Industry: Computers - services
TENERA, L.P. 1995 University Ave.
Berkeley, CA 94704 415-845-5200 TLP AMEX
CEO: Mr. Don K. Davis CFO: Mr. John J. Flavio, Jr.
Industry: Computers - services
Tandem Computers Inc. 19333 Vallco Parkway
Cupertino, CA 95014 408-725-6000 TDM NYSE
CEO: Mr. James G. Treybig CFO: Mr. David J. Rynne
Industry: Computers - mini & micro
Tandon Corp. 301 Science Dr.
Moorpark, CA 93021 805-523-0340 TCOR NASDAQ
CEO: Mr. Sirjang Lal Tandon CFO: Mr. Denis J. Trafecanty
Industry: Computers - peripheral equipment
Tandy Corp. 1800 One Tandy Center
Ft. Worth, TX 76102 817-390-3700 TAN NYSE
CEO: Mr. John V. Roach CFO: Mr. William C. Bousquette
Industry: Computers - retail & wholesale
Tech Data Corp. 5350 Tech Data Dr.
Clearwater, FL 34620 813-539-7429 TECD NASDAQ
CEO: Mr. Steven A. Raymund CFO: Mr. A. Timothy Godwin
Industry: Computers - retail & wholesale
Technalysis Corp. 6700 France Ave. South
Minneapolis, MN 55435 612-925-5900 TECN NASDAQ
CEO: Mr. Victor A. Rocchio CFO: Mr. Victor A. Rocchio
Industry: Computers - services
Technology Solutions Co. 205 N. Michigan Ave.
Chicago, IL 60601 312-819-2250 TSCC NASDAQ
CEO: Mr. Albert D. Beedie, Jr. CFO: Ms. Janet M. Kaplan
Industry: Computers - services
Teknekron Communications Systems, Inc. 2121 Allston Way
Berkeley, CA 94704 415-649-3700 TCSI NASDAQ
CEO: Mr. Roger A. Strauch CFO: Ms. Janelle F. Bradshaw
Industry: Computers - software
TeleVideo Systems, Inc. 1170 Morse Ave.
Sunnyvale, CA 94088 408-745-7760 TELV NASDAQ
CEO: Dr. K. Philip Hwang CFO: Dr. K. Philip Hwang
Industry: Computers - peripheral equipment
Teradata Corp. 12945 Jefferson Blvd.
Los Angeles, CA 90066 213-827-8777 TDAT NASDAQ
CEO: Mr. Kenneth W. Simonds CFO: Mr. Richard L. Little
Industry: Computers - mini & micro
Timberline Software Corp. PO Box 728
Beaverton, OR 97075 503-626-6775 TMBS NASDAQ
CEO: Mr. John Gorman CFO: Mr. Thomas P. Cox
Industry: Computers - software
TransNet Corp. 1945 Route 22 West
Union, NJ 07083 908-688-7800 TRNT NASDAQ
CEO: Mr. Steven J. Wilk CFO: Mr. John J. Wilk
Industry: Computers - retail & wholesale
Triad Systems Corp. 3055 Triad Dr.
Livermore, CA 94550 415-449-0606 TRSCV NASDAQ
CEO: Mr. James R. Porter CFO: Mr. Jerome W. Carlson
Industry: Computers - services
Tseng Labs, Inc. 10 Pheasant Run
Newtown, PA 18940 215-968-0502 TSNG NASDAQ
CEO: Mr. Jack Tseng CFO: Mr. Mark Karsch
Industry: Computers - peripheral equipment
Ultimate Corp. 717 Ridgedale Ave.
East Hanover, NJ 07936 201-887-9222 ULT NYSE
CEO: Mr. Michael J. O'Donnell CFO: Mr. John D. Redding
Industry: Computers - services
Unisys Corp. PO Box 500
Blue Bell, PA 19424 215-542-4011 UIS NYSE
CEO: Mr. James Unruh CFO: Mr. George T. Robson
Industry: Computers - mainframe
Unitronix Corp. 1021 Centennial Ave.
Piscataway, NJ 08854 908-981-1600 UTRX NASDAQ
CEO: Mr. David Lilly CFO: Mr. Joerg H. Klaube
Industry: Computers - software
Valid Logic Systems Inc. 2820 Orchard Parkway
San Jose, CA 95134 408-432-9400 VLID NASDAQ
CEO: Mr. W. Douglas Hajjar CFO: Mr. Thomas F. Kelly
Industry: Computers - graphics
Vermont Research Corp. Precision Park
North Springfield, VT 05150 802-886-2256 VRE AMEX
CEO: Mr. Hugh M. Taft CFO: Mr. Hugh M. Taft
Industry: Computers - peripheral equipment
Wang Laboratories, Inc. One Industrial Ave.
Lowell, MA 01851 508-459-5000 WANB AMEX
CEO: Mr. Richard W. Miller CFO: Mr. Michael F. Mee
Industry: Computers - mini & micro
Warner Computer Systems, Inc. 17-01 Pollitt Dr.
Fair Lawn, NJ 07410 201-794-4800 WCP NYSE
CEO: Mr. Harvey Krieger CFO: Mr. Bradley J. Hughes
Industry: Computers - services
Weitek Corp. 1060 E. Arques Ave.
Sunnyvale, CA 94086 408-738-8400 WWTK NASDAQ
CEO: Mr. Arthur J. Collmeyer CFO: Mr. Earl E. Fry
Industry: Computers - peripheral equipment
Wellfleet Communications, Inc. 15 Crosby Dr.
Bedford, MA 01730 617-275-2400 WLFT NASDAQ
CEO: Mr. Paul J. Severino CFO: Mr. R. Stephen Cheheyl
Industry: Computers - peripheral equipment
Western Digital Corp. 8105 Irvine Center Dr.
Irvine, CA 92718 714-932-5000 WDC NYSE
CEO: Mr. Roger W. Johnson CFO: Mr. George L. Bragg
Industry: Computers - peripheral equipment
Wicat Systems, Inc. 1875 S. State St.
Orem, UT 84058 801-224-6400 WCAT NASDAQ
CEO: Mr. Robert W. Mendenhall CFO: Mr. Steven C. Chiaramonte
Industry: Computers - mini & micro
WordStar International, Inc. 201 Alameda del Prado
Novato, CA 94949 415-382-8000 WDST NASDAQ
CEO: Mr. Ron Posner CFO: Ms. Jane Catelani
Industry: Computers - software
XL/Datacomp, Inc. 908 N. Elm St.
Hinsdale, IL 60521 708-323-1200 XLDC NASDAQ
CEO: Mr. Robert J. Passaneau CFO: Mr. Fredrick A. Spreadbury
Industry: Computers - services
Xilinx, Inc. 2100 Logic Dr.
San Jose, CA 95124 408-559-7778 XLNX NASDAQ
CEO: Mr. Bernard V. Vonderschmitt CFO: Mr. Gordon M. Steel
Industry: Computers - software
Xscribe Corp. 6160 Cornerstone Court East
San Diego, CA 92121 619-457-5091 XSCR NASDAQ
CEO: Mr. Suren G. Dutia CFO: Mr. Bruce C. Myers
Industry: Computers - software
Zitel Corp. 630 Alder Dr.
Milpitas, CA 95035 408-946-9600 ZITL NASDAQ
CEO: Mr. Jack H. King CFO: Mr. Henry C. Harris
Industry: Computers - peripheral equipment
Zycad Corp. 1380 Willow Rd.
Menlo Park, CA 94025 415-688-7400 ZCAD NASDAQ
CEO: Mr. Phillips W. Smith CFO: Mr. C. Randolph Hutson
Industry: Computers - peripheral equipment